Professional Fundraising
Research and Study Can Often Open One’s Eyes to Reality
Nonprofit organizations regularly hire fundraising consultants to help them determine the feasibility of undertaking a capital campaign. Often times the management and board of the non-profits have notions and beliefs about fundraising that are not consistent with reality. It is the responsibility of the consultant to diplomatically but firmly correct the misperceptions. This can be…
Read MoreHow to Craft a Compelling Case Statement
If prospective donors read anything about your campaign, it is likely they will read the case statement. This may be the only thing they read about the campaign, so the case statement must be the most powerful, compelling document they see. The case statement is the definitive written piece in any capital campaign. It centralizes…
Read MoreThe Fundraiser’s Management Molecule
As development professionals, we all manage relationships in three distinct directions, or dimensions. This is relevant both to our work with volunteers and campaign leaders, and within our own company/organization. To manage these directions in a balanced manner, consider the metaphor of the management molecule.
Read MoreReady, Set, Help – Are We Ready for a Capital Campaign?
One of the most common objections to beginning a capital campaign is that the organization’s leaders do not feel the group is “ready” to begin. How do you know if your organization is indeed ready for a campaign? It’s best to begin with the needs: Are there clear needs that must be funded? Do you…
Read MoreThe Ultimate Development – Related Web Site
Our firm was established on January 1, 1996, and since day one, we have taken the Internet seriously. We have always allocated a significant amount of our time and resources to gaining a better understanding of the Internet and bettering our presence on the web.
Read MoreRating and Evaluating Prospects – Whom Do You Ask for How Much
Conquering the Fear of Asking
When all else fails, there is one fact that convinces me I am in the right line of work: I enjoy asking people for money. Apparently, that puts me in a strict minority among the rest of the world’s inhabitants. They say that asking for money ranks just behind speaking in public and death on…
Read MoreThe 4 Fundamentals of a Capital Campaign
Wondering what you and your colleagues can do to prepare your organization for a major capital campaign? You’ve come to the right place! There are 4 fundamentals of a capital campaign. Read on to learn more about each one! 1. The Case for Support Define what is unique about your organization. How is it transforming…
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