Data Hygiene for Higher Education Institutions: 5 Tips

Four students walking on a college campus.

As a higher education professional, you’re constantly juggling the needs of multiple stakeholders, including current students, alumni, and donors. How can you reach all of these groups and efficiently communicate with them? It all starts with data. Data allows you to personalize your marketing and fundraising campaigns and ensure you reach the right supporters. As…

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What To Know When Getting Started With Nonprofit Advertising

A group of employees works on a nonprofit digital advertising campaign

Your nonprofit’s story deserves to be heard, and paid advertising could be the key to making that happen. By investing in paid ads, you can reach a highly targeted audience quickly, boosting visibility for your mission and fundraisers. Nonprofit advertising can propel your cause into the spotlight, but how do you know that you’re doing…

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Tapping Into Texts for Alumni Engagement: How to Get Started

A young alumna sits in a chair and smiles at a text on her phone.

Your university’s alumni are not only potential donors—they’re also the lifeblood of your university’s community, the proof that your institution helps students succeed, and longtime supporters of your mission. That’s why it’s crucial to develop strategies to connect with them as people and engage them in a variety of ways beyond fundraising. In this article,…

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Mastering the Ask: 4 Silent Auction Donation Request Tips

A smiling woman in business attire talking to a man and pointing to something on a tablet

As a nonprofit fundraising professional, you know that there are many factors to take into account when soliciting donations. Not only do you have to consider your organization’s goals and resources to determine when and how to ask for gifts, but you also need to appeal to your donors’ preferences, values, and giving capacity to…

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Donor Retention Tips: 5 Ways to Follow Up After An Auction

Auction participants raising their bid paddles.

Nonprofit auctions have a reputation for engaging their participants—and not just the individuals who win auction items. From donors to event volunteers to corporate sponsors, these fundraisers bring your nonprofit’s entire community together to support its cause.  To retain their support well beyond your event and cultivate deeper donor relationships, you’ll need to effectively follow…

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7 Tips for Creating a Compelling Nonprofit Donation Request

Someone sending a nonprofit donation request through the mail

Your nonprofit’s fundraising team is hard at work developing new ways to connect with donors and increase revenue. But perhaps you feel stuck in a rut or like you’ve hit a plateau. How can you continue engaging supporters time and time again in ways that feel fresh and compelling? In this guide, we’ll use these…

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Hiring to Retain: A Quick & Easy Guide for Nonprofits

An interviewer smiling at an interviewee during a job interview

How your nonprofit approaches the hiring process sets the tone for the entire employee lifecycle, including whether you retain an employee for the long run.  And for nonprofits working with limited resources and competing with for-profit organizations for talent, retention is critical. Retention leads to organizational stability, allowing you to work toward long-term goals and…

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A Quick Guide to the Role of a Nonprofit Treasurer

A nonprofit treasurer consulting with another board member in a meeting room.

Your nonprofit’s board of directors exists to provide oversight for your organization. Having a group of dedicated individuals strategically guiding your nonprofit is essential for effective operations, whether you’re working toward a major fundraising campaign goal or trying to deliver the best possible services in your community day-to-day. Financial management is one of the most…

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