Asking for, and Receiving, Money

Whether you’re fundraising for nonprofit organizations such as the YMCA or raising money for your own organization, it’s vital to know how to properly ask for and receive money. Money doesn’t grow on trees, nor does it drop off like leaves in the fall! If we need monetary contributions to help a worthy cause, we…

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Empowering Your Campaign Volunteers

Capital campaign volunteers are the lifeblood of a nonprofit organization. They are passionate advocates for organizations, sharing their involvement with friends, neighbors, and colleagues. A nonprofit will not find more effective public relations than a motivated volunteer, especially during a capital campaign. A common oversight during the planning stages of a capital campaign is to…

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The Big Gift — The Impossible Dream, or Is It?

Non-profit organizations spend most of their time responding to immediate pressures and crises, focusing a great deal on the short term. It seems as though time spent dreaming about huge contributions is a luxury many development professionals cannot afford. Nonetheless, focusing on the day-to-day needs of the organization should not prevent you from planning for…

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Conquering the Fear of Asking

When all else fails, there is one fact that convinces me I am in the right line of work: I enjoy asking people for money. Apparently, that puts me in a strict minority among the rest of the world’s inhabitants. They say that asking for money ranks just behind speaking in public and death on…

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