Major Gift Solicitation
As fundraising professionals, we all want to get the biggest gifts for our client organizations. We want a major gift from every potential donor. The only way to accomplish major gift solicitation is by working daily to improve our listening and speaking skills and by practicing for each approach.
Training and Preparation
Solicitor training is necessary for any successful campaign, especially in major gift solicitation. Through practice and role-playing exercises, professional development officers and volunteers alike can improve their presentation skills. Training is essential in all types of campaigns, no matter the type.
No matter how wonderful the cause, how important the organization, or how highly prominent the solicitor, there should still be proper preparation. In most instances, the best speakers will insist upon this preparedness. Prospective donors need to feel they can make a very dramatic difference by making the major gift we are suggesting. They want to be certain that their support is truly needed and that lives will be changed because of their gift. It takes a confident and well-prepared spokesperson to create this image in the mind of a donor. This kind of confidence only comes from proper preparation and knowing that all relevant information has been gathered through a process of painstaking prospect research.
Many decisions need to be made before you can complete this training process, including:
- Who are you going to approach first?
- Who is going to make the call?
- Who will ask for the gift?
- How much money are you going to request, and is it a one-time gift or a gift pledged over time?
- Is there any donor recognition attached to it, such as commemorative giving opportunities?
- When do you plan to suggest that you meet again to discuss the prospect’s decision?
Some other decisions relate to the prospect rather than the solicitation team. Among these variables are:
- The location of the solicitation
- Others invited
- The date and time of the call, etc.
The Meeting
Location and Members
Where possible, try to have the meeting at a place and time that will have your prospect comfortable and at ease, but unavailable to distractions (the office in early morning, home in early evening, or a private room in private club at mealtime work well). Try to have any other essential people (spouse, financial or legal advisors) with you during the call. This allows you to build rapport with these people while you work with the prospect.
Prior to the actual call, you want to convene a formal meeting of the solicitation team, including the solicitors (always at least two), the related development officer, and/or outside fundraising counsel. The training itself should make the solicitors feel comfortable in relating some brief background about the history of the organization you represent, outlining the case for support, explaining the differences this campaign can make, asking for the specific gift, and handling the response.
During the preliminary briefing meeting, outside fundraising counsel should lead the discussion about how things should unfold. Counsel is the choreographer unless there is no outside counsel (in which case, the development officer should run this meeting).
During the Meeting
The following things should happen:
- The two (or more) most prominent people make the formal call, showing the prospect how very important this meeting is.
- The prospect is asked for the largest gift possible—and asked by someone who has given at least as much as is being asked, demonstrating how important this is to everyone.
- The request is related to the time of payments, to minimize the sound of the number. For example, “$100,000 per year for a 5-year period—for a total gift of $500,000.”
- The request is made in relationship to a commemorative giving opportunity. For example, “I hope you and Jean will consider a gift of $100,000 this year, and in each of the next four years, to commemorate the west wing of our new hospital with your gift of $500,000.”
At this point in your meeting, you will know to sit quietly and patiently for your prospect to respond. Remember, the next move is theirs. If the prospect asks a question, answer it and ensure that there are no further questions. Before leaving, arrange for a follow-up meeting within a week during which you can return to get their response. This underscores the urgency of the request.
After the Meeting
Take the time to conduct a formal debriefing meeting with the entire solicitation team. Learn how everyone felt it went and try to determine what you can do better the next time. Using this careful and conscientious approach, you will surely enjoy your share of successes. Good luck with your fundraising and remember to have a good time!
CDS has been a leader in nonprofit fundraising for the past three decades. Contact us if you need more intensive help with your major gift fundraising, strategic planning, or in preparing for a capital campaign.