Capital Campaigns
The 4 Fundamentals of a Capital Campaign
Wondering what you and your colleagues can do to prepare your organization for a major capital campaign? You’ve come to the right place! There are 4 fundamentals of a capital campaign. Read on to learn more about each one! 1. The Case for Support Define what is unique about your organization. How is it transforming…
Read MoreOptimizing Your Capital Campaign Goal
As fundraisers, setting goals is what we do. However, it can be difficult to set measurable goals for staff and volunteers in the hopes of motivating them. The most obvious application is an overall campaign goal. I have seen too many campaigns where I was told the goal was to raise “as much as we possibly…
Read MoreThe Case for Support
Capital Campaign Plan: A Road Map to Success
Every successful campaign begins with a plan. The capital campaign plan is a detailed set of procedural guidelines for campaign leaders and volunteers. Read on to learn some key fundraising elements and techniques to include in your own capital campaign plan. Fundraising Plan Techniques There are many vital techniques at work within a good fundraising…
Read MoreChoosing the Best Capital Campaign Volunteers
Successful capital campaigns are propelled by a cadre of generous, motivated campaign volunteers willing to ask others for financial support. No matter the size of the capital campaign or the type of charity, successful campaign volunteers share some key qualifications. Read on to learn the characteristics of the best campaign volunteers, as well as where…
Read MoreYour Capital Campaign Timeline
Many people believe that all the stars have to be aligned just right to conduct a successful capital campaign. People have different perceptions about capital campaigns. Some view them as a mysterious process or with fear and trepidation, rather than with genuine enthusiasm and excitement for a new opportunity. Keep reading to learn more about…
Read MoreStructuring Your Capital Campaign Leadership
Inspirational leadership is imperative for any fundraising campaign! This leadership is not confined to one person, nor one campaign role. It is needed from at least three, or perhaps more, positions within a typical campaign organization. Read on to learn more about the different roles of capital campaign leadership and how their time, effort, energy,…
Read MoreWhere Do We Go From Here—One Person’s Thoughts
A reporter from a national publication recently called me, as they frequently do at the end of the year, to ask “What will happen in fundraising in the next year?” Everyone is always wondering what is going to happen in the future, just like they were wondering what would happen after the recent presidential election. …
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